- Unveiling Network Performance in the Wild: An Ad-Driven Analysis of Mobile Download Speeds
Miguel A Bermejo-Agueda, Patricia Callejo, Ruben Cuevas Rumin, Angel Cuevas, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Reza Rejaie, Alvaro Mayol Garrido
In Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference (WWW '25), Sydney, Australia, April 2025.
- On the Impact of Submarine Cable Deployments on Multi-cloud Network Latencies
Joseph Colton, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Reza Rejaie and Walter Willinger
In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet '24), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 2024.
- Bootstrapping Trust in ML4Nets Solutions with Hybrid Explainability
Abduarraheem Elfandi, Hannah Sagalyn, Ramakrishnan Durairajan and Walter Willinger
In Proceedings of workshop on Practical Adoption Challenges of ML for Systems (PACMI)
co-located with ACM SOSP'24, Austin, TX, November 2024.
- Redesigning Edge-Centric Micro-Datacenters for Efficient Multitenancy
Sudarsun Kannan, River Bartz, Ramakrishnan Durairajan and Uli Kremer
In Proceedings of workshop on Hot Topics in System Infrastructure (HotInfra)
co-located with ACM SOSP'24, Austin, TX, November 2024.
- Leveraging Prefix Structure to Detect Volumetric DDoS Attack Signatures with Programmable Switches
Chris Misa, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Arpit Gupta, Reza Rejaie and Walter Willinger
In IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P) (Oakland '24), San Francisco, CA, May 2024.
- Analyzing the Benefits of Optical Topology Programming for Mitigating Link-flood DDoS Attacks
Matthew Nance Hall, Zaoxing Liu, Vyas Sekar and Ramakrishnan Durairajan
In IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2024.
- Data-Fusion for Prefix-Level Inference: A DDoS Case Study
Chris Misa, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Reza Rejaie and Walter Willinger
In Security Datasets for AI (SECDAI) workshop, virtual, April 2024.
- Network Management with Graph Machine Learning: Challenges and Solutions
Yu Wang and Ramakrishnan Durairajan
In Security Datasets for AI (SECDAI) workshop, virtual, April 2024.
- DynATOS+: A Network Telemetry System for Dynamic Traffic and Query Workloads
Chris Misa, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Reza Rejaie and Walter Willinger
In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2024.
- Can LEO Satellites Enhance the Resilience of Internet to Multi-Hazard Risks?
Aleksandr Stevens, Blaise Iradukunda, Brad Bailey and Ramakrishnan Durairajan
In Proceedings of PAM'24, Virtual, March 2024.
- Improving Scalability in Traffic Engineering via Optical Topology Programming
Matthew Nance Hall, Paul Barford, Klaus-Tycho Foerster and Ramakrishnan Durairajan
In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, November 2023.
- Special Issue on The ACM SIGMETRICS Workshop on Measurements for Self-Driving Networks
Arpit Gupta, Ramakrishnan Durairajan and Walter Willinger
In Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 2023.
- xGrid: A Location-oriented Topology Design for LEO Satellites
Joseph McLaughlin, Jee Choi and Ramakrishnan Durairajan
In Proceedings of workshop on LEO Networking and Communication
co-located with ACM MOBICOM'23, Madrid, Spain, October 2023.
- Schooling NOOBs with eBPF
Joel Sommers, Nolan Rudolph and Ramakrishnan Durairajan
In Proceedings of workshop on eBPF and Kernel Extensions
co-located with ACM SIGCOMM'23, New York, USA, August 2023.
- A Case for Performance- and Cost-aware Multi-cloud Overlays
Bahador Yeganeh, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Reza Rejaie and Walter Willinger
In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, Illinois, USA, July 2023.
- Revisiting Network Telemetry in COIN: A Case for Runtime Programmability
Chris Misa, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Reza Rejaie and Walter Willinger
In IEEE Network (In-Network Computing: Emerging Trends for the Edge-Cloud Continuum), September 2021.
- ELF: High-Performance In-band Network Measurement
Joel Sommers and Ramakrishnan Durairajan
In Proceedings of TMA'21, Virtual, September 2021.
- Are WANs Ready for Optical Topology Programming?
Matthew Nance Hall, Paul Barford, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Manya Ghobadi, William Jensen and Ramakrishnan Durairajan
In Proceedings of workshop on Optical Systems (OptSys'21)
co-located with ACM SIGCOMM'21, Virtual, August 2021.
- A Survey of Reconfigurable Optical Networks
Matthew Nance Hall, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Stefan Schmid and Ramakrishnan Durairajan
In Proceedings of Elsevier Optical Switching and Networking, 2021.
- On the Resilience of Internet Infrastructures in the Pacific Northwest to Earthquakes
Juno Mayer, Valerie Sahakian, Emilie Hooft, Douglas Toomey and Ramakrishnan Durairajan
In Proceedings of PAM'21, Virtual, March 2021.
- Bridging the Optical-Packet Network Chasm via Secure Enclaves (Extended abstract)
Matthew Nance Hall and Ramakrishnan Durairajan
In Workshop on Optical Systems Design (OptSys'20)
co-located with ACM SIGCOMM'20, New York, USA, August 2020.
- Challenges in Using ML for Networking Research: How to Label If You Must
Yukhe Lavinia, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Reza Rejaie and Walter Willinger
In Proceedings of Workshop on Network Meets AI & ML (NetAI'20)
co-located with ACM SIGCOMM'20, New York, USA, August 2020.
- Fighting Fire with Light: Tackling Extreme Terabit DDoS Using Programmable Optics
Matthew Nance Hall, Guyue Liu, Ramakrishnan Durairajan and Vyas Sekar
In Proceedings of 1st Workshop on Secure and Programmable Network Infrastructure (SPIN'20)
co-located with ACM SIGCOMM'20, New York, USA, August 2020.
- Lessons Learned Organizing the PAM 2020 Virtual Conference
Chris Misa, Dennis Guse, Oliver Hohlfeld, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Anna Sperotto, Alberto Dainotti and Reza Rejaie
In proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM CCR'20, July 2020.
- MicroMon: A Monitoring Framework for Tackling Distributed Heterogeneity
Babar Khalid*, Nolan Rudolph*, Ramakrishnan Durairajan and Sudarsun Kannan
In Proceedings of 12th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage'20)
co-located with Usenix ATC'20, Massachusetts, USA, July 2020.
[PAPER]     (* co-primary authors)
- Characteristics of Metro Fiber Deployments in the US
Sathiya Kumaran Mani, Matthew Nance Hall, Ramakrishnan Durairajan and Paul Barford
In Proceedings of TMA'20, Berlin, Germany, June 2020.
- On the Practicality of Learning Models for Network Telemetry
Soheil Jamshidi, Zayd Hammoudeh, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Daniel Lowd, Reza Rejaie and Walter Willinger
In Proceedings of TMA'20, Berlin, Germany, June 2020.
- A First Comparative Characterization of Multi-cloud Connectivity in Today's Internet
Bahador Yeganeh, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Reza Rejaie and Walter Willinger
In Proceedings of PAM'20, Oregon, USA, March 2020.
- Denoising Internet Delay Measurements using Weak Supervision
Anirudh Muthukumar and Ramakrishnan Durairajan
In Proceedings of IEEE ICMLA'19, Florida, USA, December 2019.
- Bokeh: Anonymizing Physical Network Maps
Yugali Gullapalli, Jeremy Koritzninsky, Meenakshi Syamkumar, Paul Barford, Ramakrishnan Durairajan and Joel Sommers
In Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Location-based Recommendations, Geosocial
Networks and Geoadvertising (ACM LocalRec'19)
co-located with ACM
SIGSPATIAL'19, Chicago, IL, USA, November 2019.
- How Cloud Traffic Goes Hiding: A Study of Amazon's Peering Fabric
Bahador Yeganeh, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Reza Rejaie and Walter Willinger
In Proceedings of ACM IMC'19, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 2019.
- Can We Containerize Internet Measurements?
Christopher Misa, Sudarsun Kannan and Ramakrishnan Durairajan
In Proceedings of ACM/IRTF/ISOC Applied Networking Research Workshop (ANRW'19)
co-located with IETF 105, Montreal, Canada, July 2019.
- What time is it? Managing Time in the Internet
Sathiya Kumaran Mani, Paul Barford, Ramakrishnan Durairajan and Joel Sommers
In Proceedings of ACM/IRTF/ISOC Applied Networking Research Workshop (ANRW'19)
co-located with IETF 105, Montreal, Canada, July 2019.
- Intelligent Defense using Pretense against Targeted Attacks in Cloud Platforms
Roshan Neupane, Travis Neely, Prasad Calyam, Nishant Chettri, Mark Vassell and Ramakrishnan Durairajan
In Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS)---Special Issue on Cyber Threat Intelligence and Analytics, 2019.
Impact factor: 4.639!
- In the IP of the Beholder: Strategies for Active IPv6 Topology Discovery
Robert Beverly, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, David Plonka and Justin P. Rohrer
In Proceedings of ACM IMC'18, Boston, USA, November 2018.
- A Compressed Sensing Approach to Taming the Internet Measurement Data Deluge (Poster)
Matt Hall, Joel Sommers and Ramakrishnan Durairajan
In Proceedings of ACM IMC'18, Boston, USA, November 2018.
- Dynamic Measurement of Container Network Latency (Poster)
Christopher Misa and Ramakrishnan Durairajan
In Proceedings of ACM IMC'18, Boston, USA, November 2018.
- A System for Clock Synchronization in an Internet of Things
Sathiya Kumaran Mani, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Paul Barford and Joel Sommers
In Proceedings of ACM IoT'18, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, October 2018.
- TimeWeaver: Opportunistic One Way Delay Measurement via NTP
Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Sathiya Kumaran Mani, Paul Barford, Rob Nowak and Joel Sommers
In Proceedings of ITC 30, Vienna, Austria, September 2018.
- Deployment Characteristics of "The Edge" in Mobile Edge Computing
Meenakshi Syamkumar, Paul Barford and Ramakrishnan Durairajan
In Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Mobile Edge Communications (ACM MECOMM'18)
co-located with ACM SIGCOMM'18, Budapest, Hungary, August 2018.
- Assessing Candidate Preference through Web Browsing History
Giovanni Comarela, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Paul Barford, Dino Christenson and Mark Crovella
In Proceedings of ACM SIGKDD'18, London, UK, August 2018.
- Lights Out: Climate Change Risk to Internet Infrastructure
Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Carol Barford and Paul Barford
In Proceedings of ACM/IRTF/ISOC Applied Networking Research Workshop (ANRW'18)
co-located with IETF 102, Montreal, Canada, July 2018.
- Wrinkles in Time: Detecting Internet-wide Events via NTP
Meenakshi Syamkumar, Sathiya Kumaran Mani, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Paul Barford and Joel Sommers
In Proceedings of IFIP Networking'18, Zurich, Switzerland, May 2018.
- vFiber: Virtualizing Unused Optical Fibers (Extended Abstract)
Matt Hall, Vijay Chidambaram and Ramakrishnan Durairajan
In Proceedings of USENIX NSDI'18, Renton, WA, USA, April 2018.
- Dolus: Cyber Defense using Pretense against DDoS Attacks in Cloud Platforms
Roshan Neupane, Travis Neely, Nishant Chettri, Mark Vassell, Yuanxun Zhang, Prasad Calyam and Ramakrishnan Durairajan
In Proceedings of ACM ICDCN'18, Varanasi, India, January 2018.
Invited Paper
- Automatic Metadata Generation for Active Measurement
Joel Sommers, Ramakrishnan Durairajan and Paul Barford
In Proceedings of ACM IMC'17, London, UK, November 2017.
- Topology-aware Perspective for Enhacing Robustness in the Internet
Ramakrishnan Durairajan
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wisconsin - Madison, August 2017.
- A Techno-Economic Approach for Broadband Deployment in Underserved Areas
Ramakrishnan Durairajan and Paul Barford
In proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM CCR'17, April 2017.
- MNTP: Enhancing Time Synchronization for Mobile Devices
Sathiya Kumaran Mani, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Paul Barford and Joel Sommers
In Proceedings of ACM IMC'16, Santa Monica, CA, USA, November 2016.
- Bigfoot: A Geo-based Visualization Methodology for Detecting BGP Threats
Meenakshi Syamkumar, Ramakrishnan Durairajan and Paul Barford
In Proceedings of IEEE VizSec'16, Baltimore, MD, USA, October 2016.
- A Techno-Economic Framework for Broadband Deployment in Underserved Areas
Ramakrishnan Durairajan and Paul Barford
In proceedings of ACM GAIA Workshop (ACM GAIA'16)
co-located with ACM SIGCOMM'16, Florianopolis, Brazil, August 2016.
Best Paper Nomination to ACM SIGCOMM CCR
- Time's Forgotten: Using NTP to Understand Internet Latency
Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Sathiya Kumaran Mani, Joel Sommers and Paul Barford
In Proceedings of ACM HotNets'15, Philadelphia, PA, USA, November 2015.
- InterTubes: A Study of the US Long-haul Fiber-optic Infrastructure
Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Paul Barford, Joel Sommers and Walter Willinger
In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM'15, London, UK, August 2015.
Coverage: MIT Technology Review,
Popular Science, Gizmodo,
TechRepublic, VoA,
NYTimes, Boston Globe,
Badger Herald,
Business Insider, Mashable
- pfs: Parallelized, Flow-based Network Simulation
Mukta Gupta, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Meenakshi Syamkumar, Paul Barford and Joel Sommers
In Proceedings of ACM SummerSim'15, Chicago, IL, USA, July 2015.
- Controller-agnostic SDN Debugging
Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Joel Sommers and Paul Barford
In Proceedings of ACM CoNEXT'14, Sydney, Australia, December 2014.
Best Short Paper Award
- Layer 1-Informed Internet Topology Measurement
Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Joel Sommers and Paul Barford
In Proceedings of ACM IMC'14, Vancouver, Canada, November 2014.
- OFf: Bugspray for Openflow (Extended Abstract)
Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Joel Sommers and Paul Barford
In Proceedings of ACM HotSDN Workshop (ACM HotSDN'14)
co-located with ACM SIGCOMM'14, Chicago, IL, USA, August 2014.
- RiskRoute: A Framework for Mitigating Network Outage Threats
Brian Eriksson, Ramakrishnan Durairajan and Paul Barford
In Proceedings of ACM CoNEXT'13, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, December 2013.
- Internet Atlas: A Geographic Database of the Internet
Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Subhadip Ghosh, Xin Tang, Paul Barford and Brian Eriksson
In proceedings of 5th ACM HotPlanet Workshop (ACM HotPlanet'13)
co-located with ACM SIGCOMM'13, Hong Kong, August 2013.
Coverage: New Scientist, Technology.org
Discovery Challenge Research Award
One of the 100 Great Innovations of 2017
- Adaptive Data Transmission in the Cloud
Wenfei Wu, Yizheng Chen, Ramakrishnan Durairajan, Dongchan Kim, Ashok Anand and Aditya Akella
In Proceedings of IEEE/ACM IWQoS'13, Montreal, Canada, June 2013.