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Enumerations | |
enum | X86InstructionKind { x86_unknown_instruction = 0x0000, x86_aaa = 0x0001, x86_aad = 0x0002, x86_aam = 0x0003, x86_aas = 0x0004, x86_adc = 0x0005, x86_add = 0x0006, x86_addpd = 0x0007, x86_addps = 0x0008, x86_addsd = 0x0009, x86_addss = 0x000a, x86_addsubpd = 0x000b, x86_addsubps = 0x000c, x86_and = 0x000d, x86_andnpd = 0x000e, x86_andnps = 0x000f, x86_andpd = 0x0010, x86_andps = 0x0011, x86_arpl = 0x0012, x86_blendpd = 0x0013, x86_blendps = 0x0014, x86_blendvpd = 0x0015, x86_blendvps = 0x0016, x86_bound = 0x0017, x86_bsf = 0x0018, x86_bsr = 0x0019, x86_bswap = 0x001a, x86_bt = 0x001b, x86_btc = 0x001c, x86_btr = 0x001d, x86_bts = 0x001e, x86_call = 0x001f, x86_cbw = 0x0020, x86_cdq = 0x0021, x86_cdqe = 0x0022, x86_clc = 0x0023, x86_cld = 0x0024, x86_clflush = 0x0025, x86_clgi = 0x0026, x86_cli = 0x0027, x86_clts = 0x0028, x86_cmc = 0x0029, x86_cmova = 0x002a, x86_cmovae = 0x002b, x86_cmovb = 0x002c, x86_cmovbe = 0x002d, x86_cmove = 0x002e, x86_cmovg = 0x002f, x86_cmovge = 0x0030, x86_cmovl = 0x0031, x86_cmovle = 0x0032, x86_cmovne = 0x0033, x86_cmovno = 0x0034, x86_cmovns = 0x0035, x86_cmovo = 0x0036, x86_cmovpe = 0x0037, x86_cmovpo = 0x0038, x86_cmovs = 0x0039, x86_cmp = 0x003a, x86_cmppd = 0x003b, x86_cmpps = 0x003c, x86_cmpsb = 0x003d, x86_cmpsd = 0x003e, x86_cmpsq = 0x003f, x86_cmpss = 0x0040, x86_cmpsw = 0x0041, x86_cmpxchg = 0x0042, x86_cmpxchg16b = 0x0043, x86_cmpxchg8b = 0x0044, x86_comisd = 0x0045, x86_comiss = 0x0046, x86_cpuid = 0x0047, x86_cqo = 0x0048, x86_crc32 = 0x0049, x86_cvtdq2pd = 0x004a, x86_cvtdq2ps = 0x004b, x86_cvtpd2dq = 0x004c, x86_cvtpd2pi = 0x004d, x86_cvtpd2ps = 0x004e, x86_cvtpi2pd = 0x004f, x86_cvtpi2ps = 0x0050, x86_cvtps2dq = 0x0051, x86_cvtps2pd = 0x0052, x86_cvtps2pi = 0x0053, x86_cvtsd2si = 0x0054, x86_cvtsd2ss = 0x0055, x86_cvtsi2sd = 0x0056, x86_cvtsi2ss = 0x0057, x86_cvtss2sd = 0x0058, x86_cvtss2si = 0x0059, x86_cvttpd2dq = 0x005a, x86_cvttpd2pi = 0x005b, x86_cvttps2dq = 0x005c, x86_cvttps2pi = 0x005d, x86_cvttsd2si = 0x005e, x86_cvttss2si = 0x005f, x86_cwd = 0x0060, x86_cwde = 0x0061, x86_daa = 0x0062, x86_das = 0x0063, x86_dec = 0x0064, x86_div = 0x0065, x86_divpd = 0x0066, x86_divps = 0x0067, x86_divsd = 0x0068, x86_divss = 0x0069, x86_dppd = 0x006a, x86_dpps = 0x006b, x86_emms = 0x006c, x86_enter = 0x006d, x86_extractps = 0x006e, x86_extrq = 0x006f, x86_f2xm1 = 0x0070, x86_fabs = 0x0071, x86_fadd = 0x0072, x86_faddp = 0x0073, x86_farcall = 0x0074, x86_farjmp = 0x0075, x86_fbld = 0x0076, x86_fbstp = 0x0077, x86_fchs = 0x0078, x86_fcmovb = 0x0079, x86_fcmovbe = 0x007a, x86_fcmove = 0x007b, x86_fcmovnb = 0x007c, x86_fcmovnbe = 0x007d, x86_fcmovne = 0x007e, x86_fcmovnu = 0x007f, x86_fcmovu = 0x0080, x86_fcom = 0x0081, x86_fcomi = 0x0082, x86_fcomip = 0x0083, x86_fcomp = 0x0084, x86_fcompp = 0x0085, x86_fcos = 0x0086, x86_fdecstp = 0x0087, x86_fdiv = 0x0088, x86_fdivp = 0x0089, x86_fdivr = 0x008a, x86_fdivrp = 0x008b, x86_femms = 0x008c, x86_ffree = 0x008d, x86_fiadd = 0x008e, x86_ficom = 0x008f, x86_ficomp = 0x0090, x86_fidiv = 0x0091, x86_fidivr = 0x0092, x86_fild = 0x0093, x86_fimul = 0x0094, x86_fincstp = 0x0095, x86_fist = 0x0096, x86_fistp = 0x0097, x86_fisttp = 0x0098, x86_fisub = 0x0099, x86_fisubr = 0x009a, x86_fld = 0x009b, x86_fld1 = 0x009c, x86_fldcw = 0x009d, x86_fldenv = 0x009e, x86_fldl2e = 0x009f, x86_fldl2t = 0x00a0, x86_fldlg2 = 0x00a1, x86_fldln2 = 0x00a2, x86_fldpi = 0x00a3, x86_fldz = 0x00a4, x86_fmul = 0x00a5, x86_fmulp = 0x00a6, x86_fnclex = 0x00a7, x86_fninit = 0x00a8, x86_fnop = 0x00a9, x86_fnsave = 0x00aa, x86_fnstcw = 0x00ab, x86_fnstenv = 0x00ac, x86_fnstsw = 0x00ad, x86_fpatan = 0x00ae, x86_fprem = 0x00af, x86_fprem1 = 0x00b0, x86_fptan = 0x00b1, x86_frndint = 0x00b2, x86_frstor = 0x00b3, x86_fscale = 0x00b4, x86_fsin = 0x00b5, x86_fsincos = 0x00b6, x86_fsqrt = 0x00b7, x86_fst = 0x00b8, x86_fstp = 0x00b9, x86_fsub = 0x00ba, x86_fsubp = 0x00bb, x86_fsubr = 0x00bc, x86_fsubrp = 0x00bd, x86_ftst = 0x00be, x86_fucom = 0x00bf, x86_fucomi = 0x00c0, x86_fucomip = 0x00c1, x86_fucomp = 0x00c2, x86_fucompp = 0x00c3, x86_fwait = 0x00c4, x86_fxam = 0x00c5, x86_fxch = 0x00c6, x86_fxrstor = 0x00c7, x86_fxsave = 0x00c8, x86_fxtract = 0x00c9, x86_fyl2x = 0x00ca, x86_fyl2xp1 = 0x00cb, x86_getsec = 0x00cc, x86_haddpd = 0x00cd, x86_haddps = 0x00ce, x86_hlt = 0x00cf, x86_hsubpd = 0x00d0, x86_hsubps = 0x00d1, x86_idiv = 0x00d2, x86_imul = 0x00d3, x86_in = 0x00d4, x86_inc = 0x00d5, x86_insb = 0x00d6, x86_insd = 0x00d7, x86_insertps = 0x00d8, x86_insertq = 0x00d9, x86_insw = 0x00da, x86_int = 0x00db, x86_int1 = 0x00dc, x86_int3 = 0x00dd, x86_into = 0x00de, x86_invd = 0x00df, x86_invept = 0x00e0, x86_invlpg = 0x00e1, x86_invlpga = 0x00e2, x86_invvpid = 0x00e3, x86_iret = 0x00e4, x86_ja = 0x00e5, x86_jae = 0x00e6, x86_jb = 0x00e7, x86_jbe = 0x00e8, x86_jcxz = 0x00e9, x86_je = 0x00ea, x86_jecxz = 0x00eb, x86_jg = 0x00ec, x86_jge = 0x00ed, x86_jl = 0x00ee, x86_jle = 0x00ef, x86_jmp = 0x00f0, x86_jmpe = 0x00f1, x86_jne = 0x00f2, x86_jno = 0x00f3, x86_jns = 0x00f4, x86_jo = 0x00f5, x86_jpe = 0x00f6, x86_jpo = 0x00f7, x86_jrcxz = 0x00f8, x86_js = 0x00f9, x86_lahf = 0x00fa, x86_lar = 0x00fb, x86_lddqu = 0x00fc, x86_ldmxcsr = 0x00fd, x86_lds = 0x00fe, x86_lea = 0x00ff, x86_leave = 0x0100, x86_les = 0x0101, x86_lfence = 0x0102, x86_lfs = 0x0103, x86_lgdt = 0x0104, x86_lgs = 0x0105, x86_lidt = 0x0106, x86_lldt = 0x0107, x86_lmsw = 0x0108, x86_lock = 0x0109, x86_lodsb = 0x010a, x86_lodsd = 0x010b, x86_lodsq = 0x010c, x86_lodsw = 0x010d, x86_loop = 0x010e, x86_loopnz = 0x010f, x86_loopz = 0x0110, x86_lsl = 0x0111, x86_lss = 0x0112, x86_ltr = 0x0113, x86_lzcnt = 0x0114, x86_maskmovq = 0x0115, x86_maxpd = 0x0116, x86_maxps = 0x0117, x86_maxsd = 0x0118, x86_maxss = 0x0119, x86_mfence = 0x011a, x86_minpd = 0x011b, x86_minps = 0x011c, x86_minsd = 0x011d, x86_minss = 0x011e, x86_monitor = 0x011f, x86_mov = 0x0120, x86_movapd = 0x0121, x86_movaps = 0x0122, x86_movbe = 0x0123, x86_movd = 0x0124, x86_movddup = 0x0125, x86_movdq2q = 0x0126, x86_movdqa = 0x0127, x86_movdqu = 0x0128, x86_movhlps = 0x0129, x86_movhpd = 0x012a, x86_movhps = 0x012b, x86_movlhps = 0x012c, x86_movlpd = 0x012d, x86_movlps = 0x012e, x86_movmskpd = 0x012f, x86_movmskps = 0x0130, x86_movntdq = 0x0131, x86_movntdqa = 0x0132, x86_movnti = 0x0133, x86_movntpd = 0x0134, x86_movntps = 0x0135, x86_movntq = 0x0136, x86_movntsd = 0x0137, x86_movntss = 0x0138, x86_movq = 0x0139, x86_movq2dq = 0x013a, x86_movsb = 0x013b, x86_movsd = 0x013c, x86_movsd_sse = 0x013d, x86_movshdup = 0x013e, x86_movsldup = 0x013f, x86_movsq = 0x0140, x86_movss = 0x0141, x86_movsw = 0x0142, x86_movsx = 0x0143, x86_movsxd = 0x0144, x86_movupd = 0x0145, x86_movups = 0x0146, x86_movzx = 0x0147, x86_mpsadbw = 0x0148, x86_mul = 0x0149, x86_mulpd = 0x014a, x86_mulps = 0x014b, x86_mulsd = 0x014c, x86_mulss = 0x014d, x86_mwait = 0x014e, x86_neg = 0x014f, x86_nop = 0x0150, x86_not = 0x0151, x86_or = 0x0152, x86_orpd = 0x0153, x86_orps = 0x0154, x86_out = 0x0155, x86_outs = 0x0156, x86_outsb = 0x0157, x86_outsd = 0x0158, x86_outsw = 0x0159, x86_pabsb = 0x015a, x86_pabsd = 0x015b, x86_pabsw = 0x015c, x86_packssdw = 0x015d, x86_packsswb = 0x015e, x86_packusdw = 0x015f, x86_packuswb = 0x0160, x86_paddb = 0x0161, x86_paddd = 0x0162, x86_paddq = 0x0163, x86_paddsb = 0x0164, x86_paddsw = 0x0165, x86_paddusb = 0x0166, x86_paddusw = 0x0167, x86_paddw = 0x0168, x86_palignr = 0x0169, x86_pand = 0x016a, x86_pandn = 0x016b, x86_pause = 0x016c, x86_pavgb = 0x016d, x86_pavgusb = 0x016e, x86_pavgw = 0x016f, x86_pblendvb = 0x0170, x86_pblendw = 0x0171, x86_pcmpeqb = 0x0172, x86_pcmpeqd = 0x0173, x86_pcmpeqq = 0x0174, x86_pcmpeqw = 0x0175, x86_pcmpestri = 0x0176, x86_pcmpestrm = 0x0177, x86_pcmpgtb = 0x0178, x86_pcmpgtd = 0x0179, x86_pcmpgtq = 0x017a, x86_pcmpgtw = 0x017b, x86_pcmpistri = 0x017c, x86_pcmpistrm = 0x017d, x86_pextrb = 0x017e, x86_pextrd = 0x017f, x86_pextrq = 0x0180, x86_pextrw = 0x0181, x86_pf2id = 0x0182, x86_pf2iw = 0x0183, x86_pfacc = 0x0184, x86_pfadd = 0x0185, x86_pfcmpeq = 0x0186, x86_pfcmpge = 0x0187, x86_pfcmpgt = 0x0188, x86_pfmax = 0x0189, x86_pfmin = 0x018a, x86_pfmul = 0x018b, x86_pfnacc = 0x018c, x86_pfpnacc = 0x018d, x86_pfrcp = 0x018e, x86_pfrcpit1 = 0x018f, x86_pfrcpit2 = 0x0190, x86_pfrsqit1 = 0x0191, x86_pfrsqrt = 0x0192, x86_pfsub = 0x0193, x86_pfsubr = 0x0194, x86_phaddd = 0x0195, x86_phaddsw = 0x0196, x86_phaddw = 0x0197, x86_phminposuw = 0x0198, x86_phsubd = 0x0199, x86_phsubsw = 0x019a, x86_phsubw = 0x019b, x86_pi2fd = 0x019c, x86_pi2fw = 0x019d, x86_pinsrb = 0x019e, x86_pinsrd = 0x019f, x86_pinsrq = 0x01a0, x86_pinsrw = 0x01a1, x86_pmaddubsw = 0x01a2, x86_pmaddwd = 0x01a3, x86_pmaxsb = 0x01a4, x86_pmaxsd = 0x01a5, x86_pmaxsw = 0x01a6, x86_pmaxub = 0x01a7, x86_pmaxud = 0x01a8, x86_pmaxuw = 0x01a9, x86_pminsb = 0x01aa, x86_pminsd = 0x01ab, x86_pminsw = 0x01ac, x86_pminub = 0x01ad, x86_pminud = 0x01ae, x86_pminuw = 0x01af, x86_pmovmskb = 0x01b0, x86_pmovsxbd = 0x01b1, x86_pmovsxbq = 0x01b2, x86_pmovsxbw = 0x01b3, x86_pmovsxdq = 0x01b4, x86_pmovsxwd = 0x01b5, x86_pmovsxwq = 0x01b6, x86_pmovzxbd = 0x01b7, x86_pmovzxbq = 0x01b8, x86_pmovzxbw = 0x01b9, x86_pmovzxdq = 0x01ba, x86_pmovzxwd = 0x01bb, x86_pmovzxwq = 0x01bc, x86_pmuldq = 0x01bd, x86_pmulhrsw = 0x01be, x86_pmulhrw = 0x01bf, x86_pmulhuw = 0x01c0, x86_pmulhw = 0x01c1, x86_pmulld = 0x01c2, x86_pmullw = 0x01c3, x86_pmuludq = 0x01c4, x86_pop = 0x01c5, x86_popa = 0x01c6, x86_popad = 0x01c7, x86_popcnt = 0x01c8, x86_popf = 0x01c9, x86_popfd = 0x01ca, x86_popfq = 0x01cb, x86_por = 0x01cc, x86_prefetch = 0x01cd, x86_prefetchnta = 0x01ce, x86_prefetcht0 = 0x01cf, x86_prefetcht1 = 0x01d0, x86_prefetcht2 = 0x01d1, x86_prefetchw = 0x01d2, x86_psadbw = 0x01d3, x86_pshufb = 0x01d4, x86_pshufd = 0x01d5, x86_pshufhw = 0x01d6, x86_pshuflw = 0x01d7, x86_pshufw = 0x01d8, x86_psignb = 0x01d9, x86_psignd = 0x01da, x86_psignw = 0x01db, x86_pslld = 0x01dc, x86_pslldq = 0x01dd, x86_psllq = 0x01de, x86_psllw = 0x01df, x86_psrad = 0x01e0, x86_psraq = 0x01e1, x86_psraw = 0x01e2, x86_psrld = 0x01e3, x86_psrldq = 0x01e4, x86_psrlq = 0x01e5, x86_psrlw = 0x01e6, x86_psubb = 0x01e7, x86_psubd = 0x01e8, x86_psubq = 0x01e9, x86_psubsb = 0x01ea, x86_psubsw = 0x01eb, x86_psubusb = 0x01ec, x86_psubusw = 0x01ed, x86_psubw = 0x01ee, x86_pswapd = 0x01ef, x86_ptest = 0x01f0, x86_punpckhbw = 0x01f1, x86_punpckhdq = 0x01f2, x86_punpckhqdq = 0x01f3, x86_punpckhwd = 0x01f4, x86_punpcklbw = 0x01f5, x86_punpckldq = 0x01f6, x86_punpcklqdq = 0x01f7, x86_punpcklwd = 0x01f8, x86_push = 0x01f9, x86_pusha = 0x01fa, x86_pushad = 0x01fb, x86_pushf = 0x01fc, x86_pushfd = 0x01fd, x86_pushfq = 0x01fe, x86_pxor = 0x01ff, x86_rcl = 0x0200, x86_rcpps = 0x0201, x86_rcpss = 0x0202, x86_rcr = 0x0203, x86_rdmsr = 0x0204, x86_rdpmc = 0x0205, x86_rdtsc = 0x0206, x86_rdtscp = 0x0207, x86_rep_insb = 0x0208, x86_rep_insd = 0x0209, x86_rep_insw = 0x020a, x86_rep_lodsb = 0x020b, x86_rep_lodsd = 0x020c, x86_rep_lodsq = 0x020d, x86_rep_lodsw = 0x020e, x86_rep_movsb = 0x020f, x86_rep_movsd = 0x0210, x86_rep_movsq = 0x0211, x86_rep_movsw = 0x0212, x86_rep_outsb = 0x0213, x86_rep_outsd = 0x0214, x86_rep_outsw = 0x0215, x86_rep_stosb = 0x0216, x86_rep_stosd = 0x0217, x86_rep_stosq = 0x0218, x86_rep_stosw = 0x0219, x86_repe_cmpsb = 0x021a, x86_repe_cmpsd = 0x021b, x86_repe_cmpsq = 0x021c, x86_repe_cmpsw = 0x021d, x86_repe_scasb = 0x021e, x86_repe_scasd = 0x021f, x86_repe_scasq = 0x0220, x86_repe_scasw = 0x0221, x86_repne_cmpsb = 0x0222, x86_repne_cmpsd = 0x0223, x86_repne_cmpsq = 0x0224, x86_repne_cmpsw = 0x0225, x86_repne_scasb = 0x0226, x86_repne_scasd = 0x0227, x86_repne_scasq = 0x0228, x86_repne_scasw = 0x0229, x86_ret = 0x022a, x86_retf = 0x022b, x86_rol = 0x022c, x86_ror = 0x022d, x86_roundpd = 0x022e, x86_roundps = 0x022f, x86_roundsd = 0x0230, x86_roundss = 0x0231, x86_rsm = 0x0232, x86_rsqrtps = 0x0233, x86_rsqrtss = 0x0234, x86_sahf = 0x0235, x86_salc = 0x0236, x86_sar = 0x0237, x86_sbb = 0x0238, x86_scasb = 0x0239, x86_scasd = 0x023a, x86_scasq = 0x023b, x86_scasw = 0x023c, x86_seta = 0x023d, x86_setae = 0x023e, x86_setb = 0x023f, x86_setbe = 0x0240, x86_sete = 0x0241, x86_setg = 0x0242, x86_setge = 0x0243, x86_setl = 0x0244, x86_setle = 0x0245, x86_setne = 0x0246, x86_setno = 0x0247, x86_setns = 0x0248, x86_seto = 0x0249, x86_setpe = 0x024a, x86_setpo = 0x024b, x86_sets = 0x024c, x86_sfence = 0x024d, x86_sgdt = 0x024e, x86_shl = 0x024f, x86_shld = 0x0250, x86_shr = 0x0251, x86_shrd = 0x0252, x86_shufpd = 0x0253, x86_shufps = 0x0254, x86_sidt = 0x0255, x86_skinit = 0x0256, x86_sldt = 0x0257, x86_smsw = 0x0258, x86_sqrtpd = 0x0259, x86_sqrtps = 0x025a, x86_sqrtsd = 0x025b, x86_sqrtss = 0x025c, x86_stc = 0x025d, x86_std = 0x025e, x86_stgi = 0x025f, x86_sti = 0x0260, x86_stmxcsr = 0x0261, x86_stos = 0x0262, x86_stosb = 0x0263, x86_stosd = 0x0264, x86_stosq = 0x0265, x86_stosw = 0x0266, x86_str = 0x0267, x86_sub = 0x0268, x86_subpd = 0x0269, x86_subps = 0x026a, x86_subsd = 0x026b, x86_subss = 0x026c, x86_swapgs = 0x026d, x86_syscall = 0x026e, x86_sysenter = 0x026f, x86_sysexit = 0x0270, x86_sysret = 0x0271, x86_test = 0x0272, x86_ucomisd = 0x0273, x86_ucomiss = 0x0274, x86_ud2 = 0x0275, x86_unpckhpd = 0x0276, x86_unpckhps = 0x0277, x86_unpcklpd = 0x0278, x86_unpcklps = 0x0279, x86_verr = 0x027a, x86_verw = 0x027b, x86_vmcall = 0x027c, x86_vmclear = 0x027d, x86_vmlaunch = 0x027e, x86_vmload = 0x027f, x86_vmmcall = 0x0280, x86_vmoff = 0x0281, x86_vmptrld = 0x0282, x86_vmptrst = 0x0283, x86_vmread = 0x0284, x86_vmresume = 0x0285, x86_vmrun = 0x0286, x86_vmsave = 0x0287, x86_vmwrite = 0x0288, x86_vmxoff = 0x0289, x86_vmxon = 0x028a, x86_wait = 0x028b, x86_wbinvd = 0x028c, x86_wrmsr = 0x028d, x86_xadd = 0x028e, x86_xchg = 0x028f, x86_xgetbv = 0x0290, x86_xlatb = 0x0291, x86_xor = 0x0292, x86_xorpd = 0x0293, x86_xorps = 0x0294, x86_xrstor = 0x0295, x86_xsave = 0x0296, x86_xsetbv = 0x0297, x86_last_instruction = 0x0298 } |
List of all x86 instructions known to the ROSE disassembler/assembler. More... | |
enum X86InstructionKind |
List of all x86 instructions known to the ROSE disassembler/assembler.
There is one member of this enumeration for each instruction mnemonic. The AssemblerX86::to_str(X86InstructionKind) static method can be used convert the enumeration constant to a string for printing. Documentation for each instruction can be found on the specified page of the "Instruction Set Reference" available from the Intel web site, version March 2009.
Definition at line 21 of file AssemblerX86Init.h.