- Explorations in Computing: An Introduction to Computer Science and Python Programming will be available Fall 2014.
- New modules and exercises contributed by faculty who are using the text have been added to the web site.
- Released version 0.9.8 of the RubyLabs gem, with new visualizations for searching and sorting algorithms.
- Lecture slides and other resources for instructors are now available.
- An electronic version of the book is now available from vitalsource.com.
- Released version 0.9.5 of the RubyLabs gem. The only visible change in this release is a new hello method that lets users know if Tk is installed.
- Released version 0.9.2 of the RubyLabs gem and updated versions of the Lab Manuals. The gem now includes a facility for running unit tests to test the installation, and the Lab Manuals have a section on how to access the "rdoc" documentation and updated information for systems administrators.
- Released version 0.9.0 of the RubyLabs gem. This version features a significant change to the RubyLabs Canvas, and requires users who have previous versions of the gem to install a new version of the Tk library (see the Software Installation page for details).
- Added a new page to this web site for errors found in the textbook.