Contributed Projects
This page has links to projects and lab modules developed by faculty who have been using the textbook.
Singapore Management University
Prof. Hady W. Lauw and his colleagues in the School of Information Systems at Singapore Management University are using Explorations in Computing for their computational thinking course (IS 103). They have graciously contributed three new projects based on data structures commonly taught in introductory computer science courses. Each of the projects follows the same general outline as the projects in the Explorations in Computing and include tutorial exercises with interactive visualizations.
- So the Last shall be First, and the First Last introduces students to stacks, queues, and priority queues and shows how they can be implemented using straightforward array operations. Projects include parenthesis balancing and checking for palindromes.
- Good Things Come in Pairs introduces binary trees and tree traversal algorithms and contains exercises based on binary search trees.
- It's a Small World After All motivates the study of graphs by describing several potential applications, including "six degrees of Kevin Bacon." The lab module includes implementations of graph searches and topological ordering.
Files: Fundamental Data Structures (PDF) | lineardslab.rb | treelab.rb | graphlab.rb
Archive: smu.tar (a tar archive containing all of the above).