std::string | version_message () |
std::string | version_number () |
std::string | rose_scm_version_id () |
| SCM version identifier for ROSE. More...
time_t | rose_scm_version_date () |
| SCM version date-identifier for ROSE (Unix timestamp) More...
void | outputPredefinedMacros () |
| Output at least some of the predefined macro settings. More...
ROSE_DLL_API SgProject * | frontend (int argc, char **argv, bool frontendConstantFolding=false) |
ROSE_DLL_API SgProject * | frontend (const std::vector< std::string > &argv, bool frontendConstantFolding=false) |
SgProject * | frontendShell (int argc, char **argv) |
ROSE_DLL_API SgProject * | frontendShell (const std::vector< std::string > &argv) |
ROSE_DLL_API int | backend (SgProject *project, UnparseFormatHelp *unparseFormatHelp=NULL, UnparseDelegate *unparseDelagate=NULL) |
ROSE_DLL_API int | backendCompilesUsingOriginalInputFile (SgProject *project, bool compile_with_USE_ROSE_macro=false) |
ROSE_DLL_API int | backendGeneratesSourceCodeButCompilesUsingOriginalInputFile (SgProject *project) |
ROSE_DLL_API int | copy_backend (SgProject *project, UnparseFormatHelp *unparseFormatHelp=NULL) |
ROSE_DLL_API void | generatePDF (const SgProject &project) |
ROSE_DLL_API void | generateDOT (const SgProject &project, std::string filenamePostfix="") |
ROSE_DLL_API void | generateDOT_withIncludes (const SgProject &project, std::string filenamePostfix="") |
ROSE_DLL_API void | generateDOTforMultipleFile (const SgProject &project, std::string filenamePostfix="") |
ROSE_DLL_API void | generateAstGraph (const SgProject *project, int maxSize=2000, std::string filenameSuffix="") |
int | ROSE::containsString (const std::string &masterString, const std::string &targetString) |
std::string | ROSE::getFileNameByTraversalBackToFileNode (const SgNode *astNode) |
std::string | ROSE::getFileName (SgLocatedNode *locatedNodePointer) ROSE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION |
int | ROSE::getLineNumber (SgLocatedNode *locatedNodePointer) ROSE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION |
int | ROSE::getColumnNumber (SgLocatedNode *locatedNodePointer) ROSE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION |
bool | ROSE::isPartOfTransformation (SgLocatedNode *locatedNodePointer) ROSE_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION |
ROSE_DLL_API std::string | ROSE::getWorkingDirectory () |
ROSE_DLL_API std::string | ROSE::getSourceDirectory (std::string fileNameWithPath) |
| get the current directory More...
std::string | ROSE::getFileNameWithoutPath (SgStatement *statementPointer) |
| get the sourceDirectory directory More...
ROSE_DLL_API std::string | ROSE::stripPathFromFileName (const std::string &fileNameWithPath) |
ROSE_DLL_API std::string | ROSE::getPathFromFileName (std::string fileNameWithPath) |
| get the filename from the full filename More...
SgName | ROSE::concatenate (const SgName &X, const SgName &Y) |
| get the path from the full filename More...
ROSE_DLL_API void | ROSE::usage (int status) |
void | ROSE::filterInputFile (const std::string inputFileName, const std::string outputFileName) |
SgStatement * | ROSE::getPreviousStatement (SgStatement *targetStatement) |
| Functions to move to SgStatement object in SAGE III later. More...
SgStatement * | ROSE::getNextStatement (SgStatement *targetStatement) |