
Mini core wars game

In this exercise we will play a modified version of a Core War. Instead of two players battling each others, this will be an all against all activity.

1. Log into the shared account

  • ssh
  • Username is cis330, I will give you the password in class

2. Name all files you create using your duckID (not the number, the username!). You can also create a uniquely named subdirectory and work there. Do not view, remove or modify anyone else's files!

3. Write C program(s) and shell scripts, make sure the filenames start with your "username" which you used to name your files as described above, e.g., if I create a C program and a bash script, my directory contents would be:

cd bnorris2
bnorris2.c  bnorris2a.c bnorris2

Make sure the executables also contain your "username".

4. Do whatever you can (catching signals we discussed in lecture and any you look up on your own) to help your processes survive. Do not exceed 10 processes (or I'll kill them) or use up too much CPU per process (or I'll kill that process, too).

5. Do whatever you can to kill other people's processes.

6. Try to have a process still running at the end of class.

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