
CIS330 Winter 2015 Projects

Project name: "Bang!"
Team Name: Segmentation Fault
Team Members: Yajun Shi, Xun Liu, Will Chen
Description: 2D shoot ‘em up game, using Angel 2D framework.

Project name: "Battleship!"
Team Name: Robert'); DROP TABLE students;
Team Members: Carl Reid, Douglas Callender, Trace Hagan
Description: 2D graphical battleship game with client-server AI and multiplayer mode (SFML-based).

Project name: "Text-based Battleship game"
Author: Eric Schultz
Description: A text-based terminal battleship game.

Project name: "FastChat"
Team: LoneRangers
Team members: William Delumpa, Ryan Wise
Description: A text-based chat client and server; multiple clients can connect and chat. Supports password-based authentication.

Project name: "Connect-Four game"
Team Name: Baking Soda
Team Members: Honglu Xu, Qili Ou, Zhixin Liu, ZekunTang
Description: Connect four is played by two players on a 6(rows) * 7(columns) chessboard. Each turn, one player drop one unique color disc inside the chessboard to occupy one position of the chessboard. The one who set 4 discs on a line no matter horizontally, vertically or diagonally firstly, wins. The game can be played both as both human against human and human against AI.

Project name: "Defence of the Ancients"
Team Name: Ancient Rebuttals
Team Members: Eric Graves, Chris Waring
Description: A tower defense game (based on SDL2) where multiple waves of enemies attempt to destroy the base. Towers will be placed by the player and used to defend against the enemies.

Project name: "Dungeon Raid game"
Author: Jacob Dickinson, Artwork: Erin Carter
Description: SDL2-based game. Pressing arrow keys moves player through room. Space bar is attack to kill monsters.

Project name: "Evolutionary Brainfuck"
Author: Kyle Sammons
Description: This project aims to allow Brainfuck programs to 'evolve', or change their own code randomly and compare it to a set of tests to check for improvement. Further, this project aims to allow for 'ancestries', passing down 'genes', and types of 'species'. The code will be written from scratch in C++ only using the standard library.

Project name: "Gauntmore"
Team Name: plastic-ocean
Team Members: Keith Hamm, Steven Warren, Benjamin Barnes, David Wenzel
Description: Gauntmore is a 2D, top down, hack-and-slash, real-time, roguelike, with procedural tile-based map generation, and permanent death.

Project name: "Good morning!"
Team Name: DuckGorillaDog
Team Members: Cody Hatfield, Jeff Bayes, David Widder
Description: Good Morning let's you view your calendar, tasks, and notes in one place while also showing weather, news, and a clock. There is a command line interface as well as an HTML GUI.

Project name: "#FFFFFF"
Team Name: JMF
Team Members: Jimmy Wong, Alex Fok, Yuanfei Xu
Description: The game contains a grid of single colored blocks with 1 block's color slightly different. The player's job is to locate the different block as quickly as possible. There will be 15 rounds (subject to change) with 3 seconds (also subject to change) added each time an incorrect block is selected. The goal is to get the lowest time possible. Each time the correct block is selected, the page will be renewed with a new stage. This new stage will contain more blocks and the blocks will not appear in the same color as the last stage. The total time used to complete all 15 stages will be computed as the final score. The amount of blocks on each stage will be (n+1) x (n+1). eg. 2 x 2 on stage 1 and 16 x 16 by the last stage.

Project name: "Game of Life"
Author: James Dolan (Tim Drake Roger Devito)
Description: 2-D visualization (SFML-based) of John Conway's Game of Life , with random initialization or user-provided shapes.

Project name: "The Human"
Author: Anna Pearson
Description: 2-D first-person point-of-view visualization with perspective (SFML-based).

Project name: "Instapi"
Team Name: InternSolutions
Team Members: Gregory Henkhaus, Alisha Kawaguchi, Daniel Khan, Joy Hurlburt
Description: Instapi is our take on the game Memory. This multi-level game will consist of a grid of graphical tiles containing images of identifiable dessert items. The GUI is built on the Qt interface for C++. There are 18 pairs of these images randomly scattered throughout the 6x6 grid. The principal of this game is to match the pairs of tiles.

Project name: "Last Monster Standing"
Team Name: Team Cthulhu++
Team Members: Andrew Phillips, Joey Mcmahon, Lily Moch, Frank Arana
Description: Last Monster Standing is a turn-based strategy RPG. The goal of Last Monster Standing is to eliminate your opponent's lead character before they eliminate yours. Each player starts with one lead character and a few smaller minion characters to help in the battle. The game world is a 10 x 10 grid and each character has their own amount of movement points per turn. Once a character attacks another character (By moving into them), that character can no longer move, even if they have extra movement points left.

Project name: "LiteChat"
Team Name: while(!deadline){beHappy();}
Team Members: Logan Donielson, Darrekk Hocking, Douglas Uyeda, Austin Gheen
Description: LiteChat is a simple, C++ chat program which will support command-line chat between multiple machines and may include encrypted chat and a GUI in later versions. Weekly meetings will be held to discuss strategies and group progress, as well as pairs and team programming.

Project name: "Mallard Kombat"
Team Name: Bits Please
Team Members: Casey Chesshir, Phillip Kriegel, Max Lemkin, Dylan Ruggeroli
Description: A sidescrolling game starring the Oregon Duck, Puddles. Puddles progresses through several levels fighting a set of other college football mascots. Each character has special fighting abilities. 

Project name: "Memory game"
Team Name: Team.getName();
Team Members: Adam Lindsey, Abdulmajeed Kadi, Mustafa Alawami, Eric Aranda
Description: In this game a deck of cards is randomly shuffled and distributed face down in a window. The user clicks on a card, and it flips over. The user can then click on another card, and if it doesn't match, the first card will flip back over and the user will lose a point. If the card does match, the user will earn a point for matching color, suit, or value (for a maximum of 2 points). Once two cards have been matched and flipped over, they will no longer be clickable. The game is over when all the cards have been flipped over.

Project name: "Madera"
Author: Andrew Beach
Description: SDL-based game that is a hybrid between brick breaker and space invaders. The player controls a triangular spaceship also made of bricks that can be destroyed and occasionally replenished; they guard a "core" that results in a lost life if it takes damage. Objects comprised of multiple bricks scroll onto the screen. The player fires lasers to destroy bricks and forge a path through an obstacle course. When a brick is destroyed it becomes detached and free falls and may strike the player, doing damage. The player can move the ship left or right to the edges of the screen, but the game does not scroll horizontally. While the progression of vertical scroll can't be stopped, it can be accelerated faster or slower to a limited degree by the player.

Project name: "MiniRogue"
Author: Andrew Owens
Description: A roguelike game that is a an ascii art dungeon crawl game where you slay monsters get loot and explore a dungeon.

Project name: "Mighty Web Server"
Team Name: Team Taco
Team Members: Sam Vitello, Steven Rappe
Description: A C client-server chat application. The server can accept up to 10 client connections and uses pthreads to provide parallelism.

Project name: "Platformer"
Author: Turlo Thompson
Description: A 2-D multi-level platformer game prototype based on SDL.

Project name: "Space Intruders"
Author: Connor Workman
Description: The object of this multi-level game (based on SDL2) is to destroy all alien intruders before they reach Earth (the bottom of the screen) while avoiding death by enemy lasers. The enemy horde will advance toward Earth every time any alien in the horde hits a wall (a hint that you should prioritize taking out entire columns of aliens).

Project name: "Raycast FPS"
Author: Tucker Kolpin
Description: GTK-based first-person-shooter graphics (simulated 3-D) with movement, shading.

Project name: "2-D Snake game"
Team Name: Alpaca
Team Members: Guo Wei, Tianhao Qian, Hedong Meng, Heqian Li
Description: 2-D Snake game (Qt5-based)

Project name: "Spell of Communication"
Team Name: Black Magic Wizardry
Team Members: Bryon Fleming, Emmalie Dion
Description: A text-based chat program which includes include one or more simple turn-based games as an additional feature for chat participants to make use of. The application also supports chat rooms for multiple participants.

Project name: "Terrain Generator"
Team name: team++
Team members: Erica Johnson, Sage Berg, Nathan Pointer
Description: A procedural terrain generator that will take parameters such as size as input and visually render that to a web page. Our goal for any map type is for it to make sense, i.e., no lava next to ocean tiles. HTML is being used as a way to implement visual representation. Three generators are included: map, cave, and maze.

Project name: "TextQuest"
Author: James Vargas-Witherell
Description: Text-based RPG. The main point of this game is to battle randomly selected enemies from a dictionary of monsters in order to reach the max level (which is equal to the maximum level of monster you can encounter). Combat in the game is based on tabletop combat (DnD, Pathfinder, Ect…); Each attack is based on a 20 sided die roll. If the roll is greater than the enemies AC (armor class), then the attack hits. Damage is assigned based on the attacker’s strength, and critical hits are decided by their dexterity (if hit roll = 20 - 1/2 Dexterity).

Green Marinee theme adapted by David Gilbert, powered by PmWiki