18 Best IDEs for C/C++ Programming or Source Code Editors on Linux

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Aaron Kili

Aaron Kili is a Linux and F.O.S.S enthusiast, an upcoming Linux SysAdmin, web developer, and currently a content creator for TecMint who loves working with computers and strongly believes in sharing knowledge.

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61 Responses

  1. Tom the Toolman says:

    Thanks for reminding me of NetBeans! I was looking for a cross-platform and multi-platform IDE for working on embedded projects. This should enable me to sync between build machines (FreeFileSync) and build my projects for all my targets (about 12) on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

  2. AlloSchool says:

    gEdit is missing :)

  3. Frank says:

    Good work, thank you very much Aaron!
    Also many thanks to Kris, mentioned Lazarus.

  4. islam says:

    thanks very much
    that was very helpful for me

  5. David Newton says:

    You are aware some. Thanks very much

  6. Kris says:

    I am sorry but one IDE is missing. And it is one that is far better than ANY of the ones mentioned. The Lazarus IDE. The only thing is that it is IDE not for C/C++/Java but for Object Pascal. But there currently is no other IDE that is better for creating and debugging GUI apps than Lazarus IDE.

    It is exactly the same in every way as its Windows and MacOS flavor. Moreover, it also runs on ARM Linux, including single board computers like raspberry pi. You write your project code once, then you can compile the very exact same project source on any of these platforms in their versions of Lazarus.

    And if you are using Linux on your desktop, then with wine you can have both Linux and Windows Lazarus IDE installed and from a single desktop natively compile native Windows and Linux apps without virtualization. None of these listed IDEs can compare, really.

  7. Vegan Garo says:

    My favorites are Vim, Codeblocks, Codelite and QtCreator, cause they are super lightweight!

  8. Dedy Yasriady says:

    I personally like QtCrrator due to its native for Qt Toolkit beside it’s ability to be used for plain c/c++. It support several license schemes, where it’s free if you chose LGPL open source scheme.

  9. tim says:

    Emacs was great when there were no alternatives. Now it’s really kind of an anachronistic toy in my opinion. Sure, it’s really powerful if you 1) want to take the time to learn its own little brand of lisp & 2) want to take the time to create modules for it.

    Reminds me of a friend who LOVES the forth programming language. He’s now an IT admin who has no need of any programming language, but boy he loves that forth…

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