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Izzy Harker

# creative

I am a junior at the University of Oregon, majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics. My background is broad across both of these disciplines, encompassing many areas of Mathematics, like Abstract Algebra and Number Theory, and Computer Science, from Graphics to Programming Language theory.

My primary interests (graphics, cybersecurity, and data analysis) all lie in the intersection of math and computer science. I think that the applications of math to seemingly unrelated topics in other domains are fascinating, and it's super exciting to see how mathematics can inform our understanding of the world.

Photo of me

Visualizing the Intersection of a Cubic Surface and a Plane

Wrote a MATLAB script to calculate and visualize the intersection between a cubic surface and a specific set of planes in 3D space. Communicated and discussed progress regularly with my mentor on the project, promptly incorporated feedback. Summer 2022, funded in part by NSF grant no. DMS-2039316.

Ray Tracing Engine

Developed a ray tracing engine using CUDA to render objects, included support for cameras and light sources. Implemented light rays and shadows and a spotlight construction. Defined behavior for several object materials, including matte, metal, and transparent glass. Produced a video showing light refracting through a glass pyramid. Winter 2023.