Jason Prideaux

Computer Science Dept.
Deschutes Hall
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403

Office: (541) 346-4426

Email: jprideau@cs.uoregon.edu


Hello.  I am currently a Research Assitant at the University of Oregon.  I received my Master's of Science and Bachelor's degrees from the University of Oregon and graduated Summa Cum Laude.  I am working on the Think And Link Email project as lead Software and E-Commerce Engineer. While supervised by Professor Steve Fickas, I am in charge of prepping the current software for commercial distribution, create a self-installer package, training software, and support tools. 

My current interests and experience are wearable devices, autonomous vehicles/software, and assistive technology.  My past and current projects included researching Intelligent User Interfaces for people with disabilities, building a wearable computer and autonomous vehicle simulation environment (iSIM), and a toolkit for building context aware applications (CAT).


CampusReader - Assistive e-reader for reading comprehension and retainment.

Think And Link - An email program for the cognitively disabled.

iSIM - iPAQ Simulator for testing mobile context aware applications.

CAT - Context-Aware Toolkit.  A middleware for wearable context-aware apps.

ROPE - Reasoning about OPerational Envelopes.  This is an HDCP project sponsored by NASA and NSF.

Wearable Computing Lab - The CIS Wearable Computing Lab.

Using CVS - A short tutorial on CVS.

CIS 571 Final Project - Short report on Mobile Autonomous Robots with a section relating to iSIM.



Lemoncello, R., Sohlberg, M.M., Fickas, S., Prideaux, J. Landmark Directions Provide Best Initial Orientation Navigation for Adults with Acquired Cognitive Impairments. Manuscript in preparation.

Lemoncello, R., Sohlberg, M.M., Fickas, S., Prideaux, J. Challenges to On-Route Pedestrian Navigation among Adults with Acquired Cognitive Impairments. Manuscript in preparation.



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