Brittany Erickson

Brittany Erickson is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Oregon.

Biography: Dr. Erickson received her PhD in mathematics from UC Santa Barbara in 2010. She was a National Science Foundation postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University in the Department of Geophysics and a computational seismology postdoc at San Diego State University, before becoming a professor of mathematics at Portland State University. She joined the University of Oregon in 2018 where she holds a joint appointment in Computer Science and Earth Sciences.  Dr. Erickson develops high-performance numerical methods (both traditional and machine-learning-based) for both forward and inverse modeling of earthquake and volcano processes that integrate real-world data. She has raised ~$2M in funding as PI, including a recent NSF CAREER award which includes support of one of her passions: mentoring and training the next generation of STEM scientists. Dr. Erickson co-leads the global SEAS code verification efforts and was recently elected vice-President of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Pacific Northwest sectional.