Unix for Web Developers


Learning Objectives:
A Unix Survival Kit for Web Developers

Learn the following Unix commands, hereafter referred as the Unix Survival Kit for Web Developers:

     cd; ls; pwd; mkdir; chmod; rm; mv; cat; more; head; tail.

To master these commands, in a new tab, open the University of Surrey's Unix for Beginners tutorial: Tuts. 1, 2, 5.

Unix Introduction.

Read all of the Introduction except "Starting a UNIX terminal." To start a Unix terminal window, follow these steps instead:

1. Start SSH
2. Select the Quick Connect option. The Connect to Remote Host dialog will open.
3. Enter "shell.uoregon.edu" in the Host Name box.
4. Enter your DuckID user name.
5. Click the Connect button.

The Port Number (22) and Authentication Method (Password) should already be filled in by default.
For further information, please see SSH Secure Shell for Workstations documentation at the SSH website.

Tutorial One

* Listing files and directories
* Making Directories
* Changing to a different Directory
* The directories . and ..
* Pathnames
* More about home directories and pathnames

Tutorial Two

* Copying Files
* Moving Files
* Removing Files and directories
* Displaying the contents of a file on the screen
* 2.5 Omit (Searching)

Tutorial Five

* 5.1. File system security (access rights)
* 5.2. Changing access rights
* 5.3 omit
* 5.4 omit
* 5.5 omit

See Also

Learn how to customize the shell's prompt: UNIX Interactive Prompts.

Top 25 Linux Commands.